
Research Shows ‘Love At First Sight’ Actually Exists For Some People

Love at first sight is like a fairytale happy ending: Everyone wants it, but only a lucky few experience it.
Many (approximately 51 percent of women and 41 percent of men) don’t even believe love at first sight is possible; after all, how could a person love another without really knowing that person?
Scientists don’t know the exact mechanics behind it — love, after all, defies all logic — but they have concluded that it is physically possible to fall in love at first sight.
Isn’t that romantic?
In a recent survey of 5,000 singles aged 21-70, researchers found that 41 percent of men and 29 percent of females reported having experienced love at first sight.
Biological anthropologist Dr. Helen Fisher says men are not only more likely to fall in love at first sight than women are, but they’re also likely to fall in love faster than females.
She says,
Men are so visual. They see a woman who appeals to them physically, and it will trigger the romantic love system faster.
Women are custodians of the egg, so they are more careful romantically.
Falling in love happens in three steps (or stages): romantic love, sexual desire and feelings of deep attachment.
When we reach these three stages, the brain releases large amounts of the hormone dopamine, which, according to Dr. Fisher, “governs wanting, craving, obsessions, focus, energy and motivation.”
She notes that a brain in love shows similar activity to the brain of a heroin addict — because being in love is much like being addicted to another person.
These stages can be triggered by unexpected stimuli — like the smell of his cologne — thus creating the feeling that you've suddenly “fallen” in love.
When you find that feeling, hold on to it, and put everything you have into it — because true love is the best feeling there is.


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